The following table has been adapted from a resource available to Church of England churches and gives clear advice regarding which various church gatherings are allowed under the 3-Tier System of alert levels introduced by the Government on the 14th October and the impacts on the main activities related to churches.
Please use the Government’s post code checker to find out which Tier applies to you and the general description of the different tiers. Additional guidance on the activities listed is available on the Coronavirus Advice page on our main website.
Please note that the general rules on gatherings are subject to exceptions, including the exceptions for activities in churches etc. set out below.
Tier 1 (Medium)
Gatherings limited to 6 people in Tier 1 area unless all involved are from the same household or 2 linked households.
Tier 2 (High)
No indoor gatherings within Tier 2 area of 2 or more people unless all involved are from the same household or 2 linked households.
Person who lives within Tier 2 area must not participate in any indoor gathering outside Tier 2 area unless all involved are from the same household or 2 linked households.
No outdoor gatherings within Tier 2 area of more than 6 people unless all involved are from the same household or 2 linked households.
Person who lives within Tier 2 area must not participate in any outdoor gathering outside Tier 2 area of more than 6 people unless all involved are from the same household or two linked households.
Tier 3 (Very High)
No indoor gatherings within Tier 3 area of 2 or more people unless all involved are from the same household or 2 linked households.
Person who lives within Tier 3 area must not participate in any indoor gathering outside Tier 3 area unless all involved are from the same household or 2 linked households.
No outdoor gatherings within Tier 3 area of more than 2 people – except in certain public outdoor places, in which case up to 6 people may gather – unless all involved are from the same household or 2 linked households.
Person who lives in Tier 3 area must not participate in any outdoor gathering outside Tier 3 area – except where gathering takes place in certain public places, in which case up to 6 people may gather – unless all involved are from the same household or 2 linked households.
Tier 1 (Medium)
Permitted as an organised gathering provided any person attending is:
- alone or
- part of a group of not more than 6 or
- part of group all from the same household or from two linked households;
and must not join any other group or mingle with any person from another group.
Tier 2 (High) and Tier 3 (Very High)
Permitted as an organised gathering provided any person attending is:
- alone or
- part of a group all from the same household or from two linked households;
and must not join any other group or mingle with any person from another group.
NB non-household groups of 6 are not permitted.
Tier 1 (Medium) and Tier 2 (High)
Permitted as an organised gathering provided the organiser caries out a risk assessment and takes all reasonable measures to limit risk of transmission of coronavirus, as described in the guidance available.
Any person attending must do so either:
- alone or
- part of a group of not more than 6 or
- part of group all from the same household or from two linked households;
and must not join any other group or mingle with any person from another group.
Tier 3 (Very High)
Permitted as an organised gathering provided the organiser caries out a risk assessment and takes all reasonable measures to limit risk of transmission of coronavirus, as described in the guidance available.
Any person attending must do so either:
- alone or
- part of a group all from the same household or from two linked households;
and must not mingle with any person from another group.
Tier 1 (Medium), Tier 2 (High) and Tier 3 (Very High)
Persons attending are limited to:
- those attending as part of their work
- those providing voluntary services for event
- members of the armed forces
- veterans of the armed forces, their representatives and carers
- spectators who participate alone, or as part of a group of no more than 6, or as part of a group all from the same household or from two linked households – BUT spectators must not join any other group or mingle with any person from another group.
The organiser must carry out a risk assessment and take all reasonable measures to limit risk of transmission of coronavirus, as described in the guidance available.
Tier 1 (Medium) and Tier 2 (High)
Permitted provided the gathering consists of no more than 15 persons.
The organiser must carry out a risk assessment and take all reasonable measures to limit risk of transmission of coronavirus, as described in the guidance available.
NB wedding reception limited to 15 people.
Tier 3 (Very High)
Permitted provided the gathering consists of no more than 15 persons.
The organiser must carry out a risk assessment and take all reasonable measures to limit risk of transmission of coronavirus, as described in the guidance available.
NB no wedding reception permitted.
Tier 1 (Medium), Tier 2 (High) and Tier 3 (Very High)
Permitted provided the gathering consists of no more than 30 persons.
The organiser must carry out a risk assessment and take all reasonable measures to limit risk of transmission of coronavirus, as described in the guidance available.
Tier 1 (Medium), Tier 2 (High) and Tier 3 (Very High)
Same as for public worship in church or in other premises where church services are routinely held (see above).
Tier 1 (Medium), Tier 2 (High) and Tier 3 (Very High)
Same as for public worship in church or in other premises where church services are routinely held (see above).
Tier 1 (Medium)
Unaffected as general rule permits indoor gatherings of up to 6.
Tier 2 (High) and Tier 3 (Very High)
Permitted on the basis that it constitutes work purposes or the provision of voluntary or charitable services.
Tier 1 (Medium), Tier 2 (High) and Tier 3 (Very High)
Permitted provided the gathering consists of no more than 15 persons.
The organiser must carry out a risk assessment and take all reasonable measures to limit risk of transmission of coronavirus, as described in the guidance available.
Tier 1 (Medium), Tier 2 (High) and Tier 3 (Very High)
Organised activities for children and young people are permitted.