Other Contacts

As well as Connexional Officers, there are other positions within the Connexion, and the following is a list of those other positions, along with a brief description of what the position entails, and who currently holds the position. To contact them, please either click on their name or go via the Registered Office by calling 01942 223526.


Manages the Independent Methodist Archives, dealing with enquiries about the history of the denomination and its churches. This position is currently held by John Marrison, so please contact him via the Registered Office.

Association Secretary – BRIAN ROWNEY

The Independent Methodist Association Incorporated is a Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales, and a Registered Charity, set up to serve the charitable aims and objects of the IM Connexion of Churches.

Church Support Worker – LISA GREEN

To develop and assist the coordination and work of the Church Support Group, and to liaise with the churches and other agencies.

Church Support Worker – JOY HIGHAM

To support and develop the churches in their work, and to liaise with the churches and relevant agencies to achieve this.

Connexional Services Manager – LAURA PENDLEBURY (Maternity Cover)

Manages the Registered Office & Resource Centre and the Northwood Centre. Serves the Connexion, its departments and churches. Assists with the organisation of Annual Meeting and Connexional Meetings, provides a design and print service. She can also be contacted to arrange visits to the IMC Archives, which are housed at the Resource Centre.

Property Advisor

As a member of the Administration Group, offers help and advice to churches on building matters and repairs.  Manages and maintains the Connexion’s properties. Please contact the General Secretary in the first instance, for now.

Publications Editor – Administration Committee

Edits the content of the bi-monthly “Connexion” magazine and any other Connexional publications as amendments are required.