We are a group of churches situated mainly in the North of England with others in Bristol, the Midlands and Ramsey on the Isle of Man. Most of them bear the name “Independent Methodist”, but a few have local names, often related to their origins.
Each of our churches is self-governing, but they are grouped into local circuits to provide help and mutual support to one another. The churches together form the Independent Methodist Connexion, which acts as a spiritual and collective focal point. The Connexion has several departments, groups, officers and employees to facilitate the work of our churches by providing encouragement, motivation and resource provision/support wherever practical.
Our denomination is not large, which gives it a character quite different from much larger church bodies. This has the advantage of simplified administration, but the drawback of a limited national profile. Each year we hold an Annual Meeting where all the major decisions affecting the denomination are taken by representatives from the churches.
Our group of churches is represented on the appropriate committees of Churches Together in England, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, Free Churches’ Group and Women’s World Day of Prayer. It is also a member of the Evangelical Alliance.