Connexional Officers

Connexional Officers are appointed by the Independent Methodist Churches Annual Meeting. They are appointed to that office for a term of one year, except for the President, who holds office for two years. Below is a list of those positions within the Connexion, a brief description of what the position entails, and who currently holds the position. To contact them, simply click on their name to send them an email.


The position of President is normally accepted for a tenure of two years. The President acts as a focal figure for Connexional life. They represent the Connexion with other Christian bodies; preside at Connexional Committee Meetings; sometimes provide a lead and/or guidance as required; and several other duties besides.

President-Elect – ROGER STONE

As the President completes the first year of office, we elect a President-Elect to shadow the President for one year before taking up the office of President.

General Secretary – BRIAN ROWNEY

The General Secretary is the central contact figure for all aspects of Connexional work.  The General Secretary is also normally the General Secretary of the Independent Methodist Association Incorporated. This involves communication with churches/Departmental Organisers/other denominations and Ecumenical bodies; convening meetings of the Executive, as required and reporting to various meetings throughout the year. The General Secretary also represents the denomination at various external meetings.

Assistant General Secretary

Supports and assists the General Secretary. This position is currently vacant, so please contact the General Secretary .

Administrative Secretary

Deals with Administration, Annual Meeting arrangements, assisting the churches with legislation and sales of redundant churches. This position is currently vacant, so please contact the General Secretary.

Church Support Organiser – MARILYN RIDING

Coordinates all aspects of church support. Liaises with church leaders to discover and deliver any support they require; organises training to meet the needs of the churches.

Communications Officer – No Current Appointment

Co-ordinates communications within the organisation to ensure that they are consistent and effective. Communications include the Archive, the IMC Website, the Connexion Magazine and other Connexional publications. The Communications Officer also advises on, and recommends the use of, other technology within the Connexion.

Education Organiser – SHAUN NEWTON

The Education Organiser works with the Ministry Organiser with special responsibility to facilitate the education and training of all students on the Education Course.  This will ensure proper coordination and line management. The Education Organiser also administers the Ministers’ Education Course.

Financial Administrator – ALAN BRITTON

The Financial Administrator is the first point of contact for advice regarding the availability of Connexional finance to support the work of the churches and the Connexion.  They process grant applications through the Finance Committee and Connexional Committee; between formal meetings if necessary.  The Financial Administrator prepares the agenda for Finance Committee meetings, produces and distributes the minutes; prepares and presents a written report for each Connexional Committee meeting.  They also prepare a report to Annual Meeting, present it and take questions from the floor, dealing with them or passing them to the Accountant as necessary. The Financial Administrator works closely with the Accountant and is generally the signatory to the Independent Methodist Association’s bank account.  They also approve expense claims submitted by Connexional officers before payment.

Ministry Organiser – LEN OGILVIE

The Ministry Organiser deals with matters relating to Connexional ministers and their support.  Working alongside the Education Organiser, they administer the Ministers’ Education Course, and provide ongoing teaching and pastoral care via the annual Minister’s Conference.

Overseas Missions Organiser – CARRIE O’NIONS

Works to help and support the oversea missionaries. Helps to coordinate church visits and promotes the Lord’s work overseas.

Resource Centre Secretary – NORMAN PRESCOTT

Provides practical support and advice in the Resource Centre.

Safeguarding Officer – Currently covered by Church Support Organiser (Marilyn Riding)

Deals with all safeguarding issues within the Connexion and provides advice, guidance and support to all of our churches.