To help you through this period when you are unable to meet as churches, we have provided links on this page to several resources you may find useful to adopt for worship or online meetings etc.
This page will be updated over the coming days as we find more resources that could be of use to you. So, please check back on a regular basis.
Churches/Denominations Providing Worship via Online or Other Methods
AIM Church have several offerings available:
They have a YouTube channel, a Facebook page and a website
They hold a Monday morning meditation from 8.30am-9am and a Homegroup on a Wednesday at 7.30pm-9.15 pm (both via Zoom).
If you want further information or wish to join them, contact the church or Heather Scott.
Astley hold a Sunday Service at 11am on Zoom and the meeting is open from 10.30am so that people can have a chat beforehand.
Contact Brian Rowney for further information.
A monthly video message from the church can be accessed on the Bethel website and on their Facebook page
The March “Message of Joy” is available now.
If you require further information, contact Pauline Smith.
Sunday service is ‘streamed’ each week at 10.45am. Also, if you want to see people whilst you are listening, it is Zoomed at the same time. After the service, there is also time to stay online for coffee and a chat.
If neither of these are suitable, the service is available to watch on Facebook (it’s usually Sunday afternoon before it appears and then stays on for a week or so).
All the information how to access the services, can be found on their website including Zoom log-on details.
Hetton-le-Hole hold several meetings via Zoom:
- Sunday Morning Service at 10:30am
- Sunday Evening Service at 5:30pm
- Prayer Meeting on a Monday at 7:15pm
- Bible Study (fortnightly) on a Wednesday.
Contact Shaun Newton for further information
Long Lane I. M. Church have an extensive website which features multi-media worship and devotional materials. Every week, their preachers create new audio-video services and there will soon be a special page called A-to-Z of Hymns which will feature videos will all the lyrics and music of over 50 popular hymns and songs.
Contact Nigel Reeve for further information.
Lymm church has a WhatsApp service and if anyone wants a service to listen to, then they are welcome to join with them.
Contact Sue Stanworth for further information.
Nelson have both a Facebook page and a YouTube page and Sunday Morning Worship is added to both the above sites by 10.30am.
Additional posts are usually made during the week and their church magazine is also uploaded to Facebook each month.
Sunday School is using WhatsApp for the children, organised by Gillian Wroe.
For further information contact Les Greaves or Kevin Diggins.
Mount Zion have made weekly Sunday Services sheets that are available on Facebook and via email on request.
If anyone would like to receive them by email, please contact the Resource Centre.
Our Ramsey Church over in the Isle of Man have also set up a YouTube page that they hope to add to over the coming weeks.
Sunday Service at 11am on Zoom.
Prayer on Tuesday and Thursday at 8pm on Zoom.
Please visit Roe Green Church for details.
Sunday morning message – recorded message & YouTube song list is e-mailed out.
Songs of Praise on a Sunday evening – every 2 weeks at 6.30pm on Zoom.
Prayer Meeting on a Tuesday at 8.00pm on Zoom.
For details please contact Elizabeth Barron.
Sunday service at 10.30am; Bible Study on a Monday at 7pm; and Prayer Meeting on a Wednesday at 7pm (all via Zoom).
Contact Eric Southwick for further information, or phone Anita on 07837 921197.
Sunday Morning Service at 10:30am on Zoom (usually connect about 10:15am). The invitation is sent out on a Saturday.
Tuesday Evening Prayer Meeting at 7.30pm on Zoom (usually connect about 7:25pm). The invitation is sent out on a Monday.
Contact Phil Oliver for further information.
Livestream Sunday Morning Worship every Sunday at 11am on YouTube.
Prayer Meeting/Bible Study (alternating) on a Tuesday evening at 8pm on Zoom.
For further information visit their website or email them.
Hold a Sunday Service at 2pm via Zoom.
For information contact Alan Harrison.
Sunday Service at 11am (can be played any time after 11am as it is pre-recorded) and Friday Club (Youth Club for Primary School) at 7pm (can be played any time after 7pm as pre-recorded).
Both can be found on their YouTube Channel.
Further information can be obtained from Chris Milow.
The church fellowship have WhatsApp groups, which you are more than welcome to join:
- A chat & fellowship group including daily postings of Bible verses, poems, hymns and messages of encouragement
- Prayer Group
- A church Information group providing information from daily devotionals, prayers, web links to worship songs, Bible studies and services.
You can get further information from David Hill.
TCLC also have a live stream of their Sunday Service on their Facebook page.
Further information can be obtained from the church.
Geoff Chapman, from our West Camel IM Church, has produced a booklet of 40 short daily reflections for Lent, based on John chapters 11 to 19, entitled ‘The Gathering Storm’.
Geoff has kindly made it available to all of the Connexion for people to use individually/in their churches.
If you would like a downloadable, PDF copy, please email either Geoff or Kathy at the Resource Centre and they would be happy to send you a copy. If you would like printed copies, these can be also arranged via Kathy for 60p each (plus P&P).
Our friends from NWBA, who share the office space at the Resource Centre, are happy to share with you their online resources and streams, which you will find here.
Mental Health Wellness Tips for Quarantine
From a psychologist:After having thirty-one sessions this week with patients where the singular focus was COVID-19 and how to cope, I decided to consolidate my advice and make a list that I hope is helpful to all. I can’t control a lot of what is going on right now, but I can contribute this. I am surprised and heartened that this has been shared so widely! People have asked me to credential myself, so to that end, I am a doctoral level Psychologist in NYS with a Psy.D. in the specialities of School and Clinical Psychology.
Read more…
Video Conferencing
This could be a useful way for you to keep in touch with one another or hold Bible Studies. There are several options available, but we haven’t had time to test them all. One that we have seen in use, that has either a paid options or a free option is below.
Zoom is available either online via a web browser or can be downloaded as an app. So can be used on desktops, tablets or mobile phones. Our initial tests show the quality of the calls to be good, so perhaps you could try this for your church? For more details check out the Zoom website.
There is also an option for people to dial-in via a landline to any Zoom meeting using a local-rate call number.
If you want to learn more about how to use Zoom, check out this YouTube Video, which is a complete beginner’s guide to using the application.
Other Resources
In the last few weeks, the coronavirus pandemic has disrupted our entire world. For most of us, this has affected every area of life, including the weekly rhythms of our church, whether that’s a small home group or a Sunday worship service. The team at BibleProject have created a resource that could serve families, small groups, and individuals during this unique time.
Every week, you’ll find one of the BibleProject videos, along with some suggested Scripture readings that focus on the ideas explored in the video. You’ll also see some suggested discussion questions for each Scripture reading that could be used for a group conversation or personal reflection. Feel free to use as much or as little as you’d like, they simply wanted to provide some ways to generate Jesus-centered conversations at home.
To access this content go to this page. Here you will be able to catch up on previous weeks and sign up to a newsletter, if you wish, that tells you of the content due out each week.